Gohanverse - Episode 16 Storyboards
Some of my favorite scenes in this episode that I got to provide storyboards for.
Gohanverse - Episode 11 Storyboards
One of my favorite fight scenes that I did Daitomodachi Lab’s internet series made in Blender. The hue signal which character is moving, and the saturation shows which frames come first in the animation: The darker the figure shows the earlier frames of the animations, the lightest colors are where the last positions the character takes.
Oh My Dio Episode 1 storyboards
The first big story boarding project I did for a Blender animation done by Daitomodachi Labs. I was given free range to have as much fun as I could would this video showing what would happen if Disney tried to buy up the Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Franchise.
Mugen Girl Storyboards
A little scene from a passion project that I work on during my spare time. I love creating villains and anti-heroes and watching them try to survive in a post apocalyptic nightmare world.
Family Shatters:
This was a short scene from a project that I wrote for fun. A few character interactions that I never really got the time to fully animate like I would have hoped. But still it’s a story about a girl who has to unlock her full potential by coming to terms with a traumatic event that took place in her past.
Group Therapy:
A short idea about a couple being reunited with each other after being separated due to an ancient evil threatening to destroy the world. Really happy with how these character interactions went along in these boards.
Frontier-0: Episode 1
An Original Animated Pilot produced by Wicked Suit Productions in September 2017. Written by L.A. Chavez. All Storyboards illustrated by me.
The Deadliest PetShop
An animation project I was responsible for writing and animating for my flash animation class of the Spring 2016 semester. Special thanks to Kathleen Quaife for tutoring me through that semester.